Sunday, October 31, 2010

Things I want to Remember Forever

Every time I open the word file that I keep my journal in it opens to the very beginning – and the beginning of this particular journal was two days before Hailey was born. Instead of scrolling to the bottom to start this entry, I took a moment and read what I wrote when Hailey was 4-ish months old and realized that I do not document Aubrey’s developments quite as thoroughly as I did Hailey’s – which I attribute to second child syndrome.

I love my little baby – I want her to stay this size forever!

I know she won’t so I better write down what she is like right now so I will never forget

Helping with the laundry

Lil Chubbo has graduated to size 2 diapers and is rolling over from her back to her belly. She then gets really mad and yells till someone rolls her over – only to go and do it all over again. She doesn’t really cry so much as yell when she gets mad and its funny…and very loud. Her fingers and sometimes whole fist are always in her mouth causing a drooly mess, but keeping her happy. The other day I found her affectionately examining her hands like they were the most amazing tools she had ever seen. We discovered that she loves all her toys that have twinkling lights – she will watch them and talk to them for extended periods of time – sometimes even five whole minutes J By far, her favorite activity is watching big sister Hailey, and she will stop whatever she is doing to see what Hailey is up to. She cracks up when Hailey talks to her, and if she is having a bottle and Hailey is in the room she is too distracted to eat. Jon and I are amazed at what a happy girl she is – she smiles if you simply look at her, laughs easily at just about anything, she sticks her little tongue out when she is super happy. However, she hates riding in the car more than any baby I have ever known. I dread having to put her in her car seat – to the point that I bought a $30 Baby Einstein Mirror that sings and lights up to try and distract her. It works…sometimes.

Regardless of the fact that we call her Lil Chubbo so much that she thinks its her name (she responds to that and not to “Aubrey”) she is NOT a big baby. She is getting the cute baby rolls on her legs but still fits in almost all of the 3 month clothes. She is 16 weeks old but we won’t have her 4 month well-baby appointment till November 22nd so I don’t have any new stats to report.

Rolling - Rolling - Rolling

Miss Hailey just keeps getting smarter and smarter and smarter. She was having trouble counting the numbers between 14 and 20, but once we started saying FIVE-teen instead of fifteen she caught on and can now count to at least 30 and makes up numbers after that…like two thousand forty hundred and seben! She can count down from 10 to 1 and knows colors, shapes, the seasons, the days of the week – especially Monday because it is garbage day, Tuesday because it’s our busy day, and Friday because it’s the weekend when mommy gets done working. She loves preschool and swimming and gymnastics, and Tuesdays are her favorite day of the week because she gets to go to before- care at preschool, then preschool, then I go get her and take her to Mrs Jen’s and then I go back and get them after work and we go to gymnastics and then she gets to eat dinner from one of the drive thru’s we pass on the way home. (Tuesdays are NOT my favorite day of the week as it takes a very organized mama to make sure we have all the appropriate bags and clothing changes for Tuesday’s activities.) She can spell her name and write the letter “H” – which she does on everything she can find. Thank goodness for washable markers. She talks constantly and when she runs out of things to say she strings together sequences of numbers and letters and asks me what that spells, then proceeds to get mad when I tell her that it doesn’t spell anything.

I think she loves Aubrey almost as much as Aubrey loves her, but she is showing a little bit of jealousy lately. When we get excited about something Aubrey has done she will show us how she can do it too – but unfortunately Hailey rolling over just isn’t as exciting as when Aubrey does it. Hailey is by nature a gentle and caring little girl, but she gets so excited around the baby that we have to constantly remind her to be gentler and careful. I swear she is going to smoosh her or make her deaf by yelling so close to her face. We moved the door lock from Hailey’s door to the baby’s door so that we don’t have to worry about Hailey crawling in the crib while we sleep.

Our Little Artist

In the doll crib - which makes her look really big!

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