Sunday, October 10, 2010

Busy Busy October

Between Jon’s squadron events, preschool events, and Halloween events, we are going to be busy busy this month.

This past weekend the church that Hailey’s preschool is part of had a fall festival complete with a petting zoo and pony rides. I won the clothing fight again and got both girls dressed in cute Halloween outfits, and got myself into the one pair of jeans I can squeeze into. Yay for the baby Bjorn that hides my torso!

This was Aubrey’s first time in the Bjorn forward facing, and she thought it was great. She talked to everyone and sucked on the fabric until she wore her little self out and went to sleep. Hailey was not in a mood to have her picture taken, she just wanted her cup of popcorn back. (We took it away because the animals really wanted it) I don’t know what this animal is, but he was just laying there so I thought we should get a picture.
She also got to go on a hay ride…
And then there was the pony ride disaster. Hailey isn’t really afraid of anything – as long as she is in control. She wasn’t fond of the pony rides last year, but she wanted to try again, so we let her and everything was fine….until the pony got an itch or a chill or something and shook its whole body ( think of a dog shaking off after a bath). It startled her and she tried so hard to hold herself together, but as they made the turn and she saw me waiting for her she just lost it. She says she is never riding a horse again because that horse was mean and shaked her.
Getting her face painted made everything better. She gets her face painted a lot because there is a really talented face painter at the Chik fil-a we go to for kid’s night. Every time she gets a butterfly and every time Jon and I are amazed at how still and calm she can be when she wants to.

1 comment:

  1. She is so cute! It's amazing what they can do with the right reward. :)
