Monday, March 29, 2010

Big Girls Have Teeth!

There isn’t a whole lot that we love about Virginia, but spring is nice here. The weather was beautiful all weekend, so we spent a majority of our time outside. Our yard is a disaster, mostly because Roxy likes to dig and she also likes to catch and kill the moles that live back there. She is a very determined dog, and has a few screws loose. Recently she has developed a habit of needing to go outside in the middle of the night, and she will whine until I get up and let her out. She doesn’t NEED to go out – she wants to go out and check out the yard. Jon refuses to give in to her, so I have to let her out and wait until she is ready to come back in. I can’t ignore her, because I can’t sleep thru the whining, and even if I could she then steps it up a level and nudges my hand till I get up. Last night a thunderstorm rolled in – and Roxy is terrified of thunderstorms. We let her sleep with us during thunder because she is so scared, but she wanted to sleep by our heads last night – not our feet. Eventually we compromised and she settled by my knees, but then Hailey woke up and was afraid so Daddy caved and went up to sleep with her. Roxy got his spot in the bed. Needless to point out, we are all very tired this morning!

The changes in Hailey after only one week with the new babysitter are amazing. She is noticeably calmer, isn’t having nearly as many tantrums and keeps telling us very amusing things. Her biggest revelation of last week is that she has teeth, and that means she is a big girl. Babies don’t have teeth. This has lead to a small obsession with teeth, and commenting on everyone’s teeth. No one is exempt, not waitresses, not people at the pool, and definitely not our pets. She really likes being a big girl, and is very offended if we tell her she is too small for something, or not big enough, or accidentally refer to her as our little girl.

She is also becoming a stickler for manners, but mostly she likes to enforce them and not use them. Her favorite is “We don’t talk at the dinner table with food in our mouths!” - Which is often repeated with a mouthful of food. She doesn’t like it when Jon and I try to talk to each other about anything – she thinks she should do all of the talking all of the time. She is being much better about picking up her toys, and has in general actually been really pleasant to be around.

We have a short work week this week. Jon is on leave starting tomorrow – so that he can catch up on his master’s homework. On Wednesday afternoon we are leaving to drive up to Erie to visit Aunt Casa and her family – and obviously the rest of my family. Hailey is extremely excited to see her cousins and her Grandpa – she told me “I like my Grandpa, he has lots of presents!” Which is true, he does, and we are going to be having a little birthday party for her while we are there (yes, 2 weeks early, but she likes birthdays!) so Grandpa will surely give her presents again.

Since we have lived in Virginia I have been lucky enough to make it home at least every other month. However, I have not been there since Thanksgiving! My sister, mom, niece and nephew visited us at Christmas, but it has still been too long. We really wanted to be there in May for Benjamin’s birthday, but Jon’s work/travel schedule made that impossible, on top of our trip to St Thomas in May for Jon’s brothers wedding. We need to make one more trip up there before the new baby to switch baby clothes with my sister! She has all of Hailey’s hand-me-downs for Rowan, plus what she has purchased on her own. She said she has 7 Rubbermaid containers of clothes for us to take back….not sure where I am going to put them!

For that matter, we aren’t entirely sure where we are going to put the baby. I seriously need to get my shopping addiction under control.

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