Monday, March 22, 2010

Spider-Alligator-Crocodiles and don't put a pull-up in the washing machine

Today is my mom’s birthday, but I have no idea how old she is because I cannot remember things like that – that is what I have a sister for – otherwise I may not have known it was even her birthday, and which also explains why I haven’t mailed her present yet – I will do that at lunch!
Today is also Hailey’s first day with Mrs. Jen (this is what Hailey has decided to call her….not Miss Jen – MRS Jen). She was very excited to go there this morning. We took some of her over-abundance of toys with us, and I think that helped alleviate some of her anxiety. When we got there, Jen’s baby was crying upstairs and Hailey was so excited to go see him, she took off, then stopped and remembered that she didn’t give me a kiss good-bye. She ran back, gave me a quick kiss and was off. Hopefully it’s still going well. Hailey was very well behaved all weekend, and also very hungry. Both of these traits are unusual for her – she is generally a terrible eater. This weekend she was a different child and kept telling us that her belly was feeling hungry and ate more than she eats in a week altogether.

The weather was beautiful here this past weekend and we were able to spend a bunch of time outside playing on the trampoline and starting to clean up our yard. Jon didn't want me to put this picture up here, but I think it is cute. She helped me clean up the yard all last summer when Jon was TDY, and she was very excited to do it again. Mostly she just walks around and locates piles for us to pick up. It was warm enough in the sun to wear shorts, and Jon and I both got a little bit of color on our faces. Pregnancy fat looks a little better with a tan.

Saturday night Hailey had her first major bad dream. I am a very light sleeper and normally hear her before she even makes it out of her room and before Jon even stirs, but she woke up screaming and bolted out of her room. Jon was upstairs before I was even fully awake and processing what was going on. It still makes me laugh how quick his response time is when something is wrong – but he is completely oblivious most other times. Apparently a spider was trying to get Hailey – and when Jon told me that I said “But she isn’t afraid of buggies and spiders.” This was not your ordinary imaginary spider – it was a Spider-Alligator-Crocodile and it was on her bed. Daddy scared it away for her and got her back in bed. She got up about 5 more times, still terrified of the spider-alligator-crocodile, before Jon just gave up and helped her get back to sleep. He is such a pushover.
Our other child, my first born and love of my life, Rolo, is suffering terribly from his allergies. He is allergic to Virginia, and it is always the worst in the spring. He is miserable, and he drives me crazy with his constant scratching and licking. Jon was getting a bath ready for him yesterday morning and Rolo walked into the bathroom, hopped into the tub and laid down without being told to. He has rubbed most of the fur off of his face around his eyes and looks goofy. I probably need to take him to the vet to get a steroid shot, but Rolo on steroids is not good, so I am hoping lots of baths will help.
And lastly, my lesson of the weekend is: Don’t wash a pull-up in the washing machine – it makes a terrible mess. I am not sure how it got in there, (I blamed it on Jon, of course) but it was horrible. I can’t really describe it, but it is 400 times worse than when Rolo gets a pull up out of the garbage and tears it up and leaves it for me. .


  1. I hope she's doing well since today is almost over. Sorry to hear about the pull up. Yum!

  2. I can't wait for your post on how today went :) Isn't amazing what creatures get made up in their sleep.... Heading to the hospital tomorrow for admittance - I don't know why they think it's ok to bring your kid in the day before???? I'll be in touch with you. Miss you!!!
