Sunday, April 3, 2011

Some Florida Fun

I have 3 excuses for not producing any new material.
1.   I have WAY less free time now that I am not working.
2.   Jon hasn't done anything that I feel the need to vent about.
3.   While the girls and I have been very busy, we aren't doing anything overly interesting or remarkable.
 - I love reading my friends blogs and keeping up with them through their pictures and stories, and currently I have several friends who are experiencing amazing and life changing events, so my picture of Aubrey playing in her own spit up doesn't seem that pressing! ( check out the blogs I follow "The Skinny on the Mini" which is my high school friend Mandi's story about her new baby and "A Seat at the Table" which is our friends Kevin and Angela's story of adoption.  They are currently in Thailand picking up their little girl and it has been amazing to see it through them.  Another I am addicted to is "Rockstar Ronan" which is the story of a little boy fighting cancer and his mom is so real and honest it is painful to read at times.)

Fortunately, our families back home always think we are interesting, and because "back home" is in cold and still snowy Pennsylvania, I am sure our beach pictures will be especially appreciated.

So here is what has been happening.

Hailey and Aubrey hanging out in our new backyard
She loves her swing - Thanks Grandpa!
Hailey is playing school with her animals, dolls and Aubrey, who couldn't crawl yet, so she had no choice but to listen to Hailey talk about her pajamas
Yup, playin in her spit up and happy about it.  This was the day of her six month vaccinations ( she is 8 months old) and if I had only known that about an hour after this was taken she would turn into a feverish puddle of mush for the following 48 hours, I might not have thought this was so funny.
Hailey, LOOK!
Now Aubrey, LOOK!
K, now SMILE!  
the joy of having more than one child and trying to get a good picture
Its a beached whale!
We really need to invest in a sunshade of some sort.  Don't worry, she could breathe.
We have every back yard play item a little girl could want, but I think we might need a bigger pool
She was in about as good of a mood as she looks like she is in.  It was a long day at the air show and she had thoroughly wore Nana and Papa out
Our extremely happy baby (this is today)

1 comment:

  1. Just so you know, it's not just your family that looks forward to and relishes these blog posts! I miss you and the girls (Matt misses Jon if that makes him feel better) and this helps me to feel not totally out of the loop. By the way...8 months old?!? How has that happened so quickly? Is it too much for me to ask the AF to go ahead and get with it and send us to FL before she turns one?
