Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Yes, Your Baby's Head is Shaped Funny

At Aubrey's 2 month check up, the doctor pointed out that she favors one side of her head and told us to start encouraging her to look to the other side. So we did, and she is getting much better about turning both ways. As I spent more and more time worrying about if my baby was turning her head both ways, I noticed that her head was kind of lopsided, but didn't really think too much about it.

Then I took this picture, which is quite alarming.

For a couple days I told myself that it was just the way she was laying. Then I mentioned it to Jon and he agreed that from certain angles her head is shaped kind of funny. Of course, I researched it on the internet - which I know can be dangerous - but after some reading I decided I wanted to go back to the doctor to get their opinion.

So today I was that crazy mom who takes her baby to the doctor for random reasons. It was, of course, a different pediatrician than the one we saw at her 2 month check -up. Fortunately the doctor didn't look at me like I was crazy and automatically disregard my concerns. I really liked her and she spent a lot of time with the baby and talking to me. Basically what she said is exactly what I titled this entry - Yes, your baby's head is shaped funny. She did say that her neck movement is good, but that the side she favors is the side that is not as flat - and it should be that the side she favors is the flatter side. If the flat side was the side she tends to lay on it would explain it, but its the exact opposite. She checked all the points in her head where the skull fuses together and she said that they all appear to be open ( this is good they should still be open). She wants to wait and see what happens between now and her 4 month check-up, which is in about 5-6 weeks. Her head will grow between now and then and it will either be more noticeable or start to correct itself. Depending on what happens, she will decide from there.
If there is a problem it will be fixable, but it will be a lengthy process. The first steps will be xrays and cat scans of Aubrey's head to check the points in her skull. Obviously we don't want to put her through that, so lets all hope it turns out to be nothing!


  1. This picture surprises me, because honestly, when you mentioned it Sunday and even tried to point it out, I barely noticed anything. Anyway, glad to hear the doctor will keep an eye on it and we'll pray that it corrects itself in the next few weeks! She's still one of the cutest babies ever! :O)

  2. Such a good mommy. I'm sure all will be fine. Keep us posted!
