Friday, September 17, 2010

Updates and Pictures

For once, I really don't have any major events to write about, so here are some cute pictures and updates.

Aubrey and Hailey trying out the crib

After my dad and Judy left I decided that Haileys days of sleeping wherever she wanted to were over. We bought this weird lock that makes it so she can't open her door but it isn't closed all the way either. My sleep book said that it is what we would need because we can't physically keep her in her room. The book also said that children who were previously sleep trained and just going through a rough patch would generally only need one night with the lock and then they would stay in their beds so that the lock wouldn't need to be used. I sincerely doubted it would only be one night - Hailey is a very persistent child.
But, once again I was wrong and that book was right. She screamed her head off for about 10 minutes and then I calmed her down and she went to sleep. She got up one more time and yelled again, but I calmed her down and she went to sleep. Since then she has gone to bed every night and stayed there for the most part - we found her in the chair in the loft several times and just last night I found her on the couch, but she doesn't remember it in the morning and goes back to bed without a fight. She is getting more creative though - last night she got up when Jon got home from work ( it was late ) and told him there was a fly in her room and he needed to get it. For some reason she is terrified of flies, but thinks bees, snakes, ghosts, monsters etc are all fascinating.
The same night that we locked Hailey in her room was Aubrey's first night in her crib. She does pretty well in her crib - she generally goes to sleep between 7 -9 every night and will get up around 2 and then at 5 am. The 5 am wake-up is annoying because she isn't hungry - she is just done sleeping on her own and wants someone to hold her. It won't be so bad next week when I go back to work because I have to get up at that time anyway :(

This is a Flamingo Stand - she learned this at gymnastics

Hailey loves football. She will sit and watch a whole game and actually asks to watch "Penn Stake" when we ask her what show she wants to watch. Grandpa got her the jammies she is wearing in the pictures above and she wants to wear them every night now.

Aubrey doing tummy time

Aubrey is not a fan of tummy time, but the doctor said we have to do it to help her start turning her head the way that she doesn't like to. We have another doctor appointment tomorrow about that - so more on that later.

Aubrey is having a fit and trying to smother herself and Hailey is pretending that her feelings are hurt because I took a picture of Aubrey without her in it. Her face is so cute though, I had to share it!

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