Friday, September 10, 2010

My Not-So-Big Daughters

On September 1st Aubrey was 8 weeks old and we had her 2-month check up. Hailey needed a physical for school and I was extremely lucky and able to get TWO appointments in Pediatrics back to back.
Aubrey's appointment went great. She smiled and cooed at the doctor and showed him her happy personality. She weighed 8lbs 15 oz and was 21 inches long. We talked about her spitting up through her nose and how much she hates that, and he suggested trying the formula that has the rice starch in it - because it is thicker and helps with spitting up. He said that there isn't any real reason to have her on soy - which I was really happy about because soy formula really smells and the spit up is even worse. He noticed that Aubrey favors turning her head to the right and instructed us to start encouraging her to work on turning the other way. She can turn her head the other way and I knew that she preferred looking right but it did not occur to me that it could become a problem, so I was happy he pointed it out and now we are aware of it and she is doing better.
Aubrey is still eating every 3 hours and up several times during the night. At 8 weeks she is the size of some newborns, so I think it might be because she just isn't that big. I looked to see how much Hailey weighed at 8 weeks and she was 10lbs 8 oz - which is a significant difference. In the week since her appointment Aubrey has been eating more at each feeding - so maybe someday she might sleep more than 3 hours at a time.
Hailey wanted nothing to do with the doctor. We told her she had to go to the doctor to make sure she is big enough to go to school. She really wants to go to school, so she agreed but then was not cooperative when we got her there. Thankfully, the pediatrician was great and coerced her into doing what she needed to do. She weighs 28lbs and is exactly 3 ft tall - which puts her in the 9th percentile for height and 13th for weight...Jon asked if I think she might have a growth spurt ever. I was always a very small child so I am not surprised at her size - my sister claims that everyone thought I was a midget. I never had a huge growth spurt but I am 5'3" now, and that is a normal height. Besides, Hailey is going to be an Olympic gymnast, so she doesn't need to be tall!


  1. I think you might have 2 Olympic gymnasts on your hands if Aubrey keeps measuring even smaller than Hailey! I don't care what percentile they fall in though, they are the perfect size, if you ask me!! By the way...I think you and Jon need a date night. :O)

  2. Those percentiles are lame. That group of kids was done a long time ago, and it was a group of 100 white kids from not the "normal".

    Start saving for gymnastics...its pricey!!! :)
