Monday, December 6, 2010

The Calm

I can't believe that I have not posted a blog in so long - but that shows you how busy we have been! These pictures are from mid-November, which is when I was still approaching our impending move with some sort of calm. In the picture above you see my laid back little baby chilling in her new high chair...she thinks her feet belong on the table. She loves being in her high chair and sits there when we are eating dinner - she feels like she is one of the big people.

The pictures below are of Aubrey's first experience with cereal. Even though she is smiling, it did not go well. She pretty much hated it and gagged the minute it touched her lips. We let Hailey try to give her a bite so that she would feel included - and I hoped it would help get Aubrey to try it. Generally she loves anything that comes from Hailey, but she REALLY does not like cereal. As it has taken me so long to post these pictures, I can now tell you that she is doing much better with eating. We started mixing a little bit of fruit with her cereal and she liked that much better. She is still way more difficult to feed than Hailey ever was, but she improves every day. She likes to put her hands in her mouth as she takes a bite, so eating time is often followed with a bath because she is covered in whatever she is supposed to be consuming.

Back in November, when we were still calm, we took Hailey bowling for the first time. The bowling alley on the base is very nice and kid friendly. Hailey loved bowling, and I liked bowling much better when I got to use the bumper lanes with her!
She has such an independent and competitive spirit. She wanted to do everything on her own, and really didn't want to use the pink ramp thing. After awhile she realized that using the ramp helped her "win better" so she used it. She is so much like her father it scares me...

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