Monday, June 28, 2010

No Real Change

Yup, it will be a miracle if I make it thru this week of work…and not because I think I will have this baby. I KNOW people are just trying to be nice and make conversation, but I have been at work for ONE and one-half hours and at least 10 people have asked me “You haven’t had that baby yet?!”

No, I had her, I just still look obscenely pregnant and decided to come to work today. Come ON people…

I had a doctor appointment on Friday afternoon and the nurse practitioner said that I am a “one”. That is exciting for me because with Hailey I never dilated at all…so the fact that I have any change is encouraging. I also treated myself to a pregnancy massage on Friday. It was nice, but did not have the desired outcome of producing a baby.

On Saturday we went to Bennett’s first birthday party. Bennett is the son of Mrs Jen, Hailey’s beloved babysitter. Hailey was a very good girl at the party and got to open most of Bennett’s presents for him, because he lost interest. After the party we had to go to a squadron farewell, which meant that Hailey needed to stay with a babysitter. She was a bit confused as to why we were leaving Mrs Jen’s to go home so that a different babysitter could watch her. Our teenage neighbor Jazmin is our babysitter on the rare occasion we go somewhere without the Munchkin. Hailey loves “Princess Jaz” but has a tendency to freak out when we attempt to leave. I am never sure if I should tell her in advance that Jazmin is going to come over to play, or wait till its time…sometimes she gets excited for it, and other times she worries about it all day. We opted to tell her on the way to the birthday party that after the party mommy and daddy had to go to a work thing and that Princess Jaz was going to come play with her. She started to fret, but when we got home and Jaz came over, she was completely fine with it. She didn’t even cry and said “bye, MOM!” as we left. She fell asleep on the couch, so when we got home Jon carried her up to bed and she woke up enough to tell me “ I was being a really good girl for you, Mama!” and then went back to sleep.

Jon and I both have very busy weeks at work this week, so if the baby would decide to arrive it would be great (as we wouldn’t be ABLE to be at work) but bad because we would be leaving a lot of unfinished business. I am pretty sure that I am not going to work next week, but reserve the right to change my mind. We signed Hailey up for gymnastics on Tuesdays, she has swim lessons on Fridays and a parent/child soccer league on Saturday mornings, and the gymnastics and soccer start next week - swimming is an ongoing event. She is very excited for soccer with Daddy, pretty much hates her swim lessons, and I don’t think she really knows what gymnastics is, but I think she will like it. The point of the previous sentence is that even if I don’t have a baby this weekend like I would like to, I have a bazillion activities for Hailey starting next week and don’t have time to go to work….hmmm….

My next doctor appointment is Thursday morning...I'll update then if anything exciting develops! Right now I need to go buy a new light & sound machine because we accidentally broke Hailey's last night when we were reading and PERFORMING Nursery Rhymes...Old Mother Hubbard...when the dog stands on his head...In her attempt at a handstand her leg got caught in the cord and it went smashing to the floor. Quite the little disaster.

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