Monday, June 21, 2010


When Hailey says "Daddy" she says it in a little singsong voice and emphasizes the "d's". Its cute, and one of the many many things we love....

When Jon and I were putting the crib together and setting up the baby’s room last weekend, he wasn’t acting very excited - but Hailey was more than making up for his lack of enthusiasm. She thinks everything that has to do with her baby sister is fantastic, and I can’t wait to see her meet the baby for the first time…I think I am more excited for THAT moment than the moment I meet her myself. Lately when we ask her what we should name the baby she says “Hailey Jessica Snyder Too, because it’s a good name!”

I asked Jon if he would be more excited if the baby was a boy and he said yes. Sometimes his honesty is a bit blatant! I know he wants a boy, but he is such a great father to Hailey, I actually have a hard time understanding how he could NOT want another princess. He says its not that he doesn’t want another girl, he just already has one, so he would like to have a boy too, so we have variety. When we had our ultrasound the tech seemed certain that the baby is a girl, and Jon said he is certain too. I think there is one picture that is decidedly inconclusive. That combined with the detail that the Radiologists report does not actually say what the sex of the baby is and the odd amount of complete strangers who inform me that my baby is a boy has definitely made me wonder. I am carrying this baby very different than I carried Hailey, and SHE is very low. About once a day if I am out in public, someone will say, “you are having a boy, right?” I know that you can’t tell from how a baby is carried, but the quantity of people who say that to me is astounding!

How would I feel if the baby turns out to be a boy? I think it would be funny, and fine. I certainly WANT a girl and want Hailey to have a sister, but would be happy with a boy too…have no idea what we would name him, but we would figure it out, and fortunately my nephew was born in the same season, so baby boy clothes are easy to acquire from my sisters house. Mostly I think Hailey would be a bit confused…but she wouldn’t care…she just wants a baby.

Jon has been exceptionally busy at work with his IPUG rides, and IPUG is a long, painful process. Fortunately he is not taking any masters classes right now, so when he is home, he gets to spend time with us, which is good because Hailey goes into Daddy withdrawal if he isn’t there. Each day as we drive into our subdivision she says “I hope Dad-dy is home” and if we turn our corner and his truck isn’t there she says “No Daddy”…its very sad. If he isn’t home by bedtime I have to promise her that he will go up and give her a kiss. On the weekends she is glued to him and helps him do anything he is doing. They have taken up fishing – not that they ever catch anything, but she loves it anyway. They went to Bass Pro Shop to get a fishing rod for her, and I was expecting them to return with a little kid one, but instead Jon opted for one they could both use…its sparkly pink and has a matching sparkly pink tackle box. Like I said, not sure why he thinks he needs a son when he has so completely embraced being the Daddy to a princess.

We have season passes to both Water Country and Busch Gardens, and have been to Water Country 3 times already. It is entirely too hot for me at Busch Gardens, so we have yet to go there. Water Country is very easy to go to and get into, and Hailey loves the water. I am not allowed on the big slides in my condition, but I can chase her around the kid areas…sort of…I am not very fast moving these days…

I told Jon we weren’t celebrating Father’s Day because he forgot Mother’s Day, but Hailey and Mrs Jen made him a card and she was so excited about it, I couldn’t not celebrate. We got Jon a cookie cake (mostly because I really wanted it) and she had a lot of fun telling him “Happy Father’s Day”. When she woke up this morning she said, sadly, ”Its not Happy Fathers Day anymore?” She was ok when I told her that there was cookie cake in her lunch box.

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